How to Apply Intuition and Animal Communication to Maximize Your Rides
I was about 10 years old when I met an animal communicator for the first time. She was about 7, sitting on a tack trunk directing her dad (the equine chiropractor), on how to adjust Romeo's ear. I had just arrived to the barn passing them to get to my pony and overheard her trying to convey what the horse needed. My first thought was "Why is this kid telling that adult how to do his job?" Then, what seemed more important, "Why is he listening to her?" This made no sense, so I asked. Her father explained that she was talking to the horse. He told me that everyone is able to communicate with animals, however, a child's mind is more prone to it as it doesn't have as many mental restrictions as adults do. ( In my experience, adults are actually quite capable of learning animal communication). You can imagine my delight and the fantasies that a 10 year old would create from this. If I could talk to horses I could tell my pony to jump all the jumps, to not buck and most importantly that a flat class wasn't an opportunity to race the bigger horses! I thought I would have it so easy if only I could tell him what I wanted him to know.
My 10 year old's dream did not manifest the way I thought it would. I tried every night for a long time but without training or support in my community the dream started to fade. In fact, not until about 15 years later I did I circle back to intuitive animal communication and reopen gifts that had been shut down well before I met the young girl.
In my mid 20's I was skeptical, unsure if animal communication was real and if it was, I thought it was only for special people. I knew intuition was real but couldn't get it to work consistently for me.
Then, I had an experience that shifted my whole life. I had just purchased my horse and we were taking a jump lesson. He and I were having trouble finding the right distance to an oxer with a long approach on the diagonal. After our botched attempt, we stood in the center and watched the other riders go. A horse and rider pair that had been together for a few years jumped the same fence seamlessly. I looked down at my horse with frustration and said (in my head) "why can't you jump it like that?" Clearly, my competitive nature had gotten the best of me. What's better is that immediately I received a reply "Why can't you!?" I burst into laughter and realized 3 things: First, I wasn't helping by being upset. Second, theres no way I would have made that up. Third, he was right. Quietly we finished up the lesson, I was on cloud 9.
Can you imaging being able to explain the course to your horse or pony so that they too knew where they were going? How about helping to understand why the farrier or trailer is so terrifying and what to do about it? You could ask if your horse wants a friend, or how she is doing with her pasture mates. Many riders ask me to see what their horse needs from them as a rider/ teammate. Some ask me to help explain things to the learning horse, like lead changes or correct carriage. Does your horse want to jump higher or lower? Does he like the shows? Why is she afraid of the liverpool? For the sale horse, what kind of rider do they want? What about the new horse, can you make them more comfortable? You could ask about the fit of their tack or where their body hurts. You could tell them how proud of them you are and how much you love spending time with them. The list is endless. The depth of the relationship is endless. The partnership and connection that arises when you take the time to ask them what they would like better or how you can help is priceless for you and for them. For the competitive equestrians, you can see the uniqueness of the relationship in the show ring when the rider actively engages in communication with their horse.
I offer the Intuition and Animal Communication workshop to the equestrian community because horses are so much happier when they can simply be asked to do something differently or explain why they are behaving like they are. It saves so much stress for horse and rider and it builds this incredible foundation of trust and security. I would love to see the harsh bits and punishment methods disappear, because they truly are not needed when you can simply speak with the horse.
Please contact me if you or your barn have questions about hosting a workshop.